Tuesday, September 1, 2009

As Seen by Me:

The First Day of School

If you've been following my blog it isn't hard to notice that I wasn't totally excited to send my kids off to school. I've mostly blogged about Ty, but he only symbolizes the tail end of my family. Really, I'm always hesitant to give my loved children to unfamiliar people for a third of their day. Why would I want to send them off to an outdated (not earthquake proof), germ filled, cold building? Why would I intentionally send them to be taught by kids who don't have the best values and end up teaching my kids as if they are experts and all knowing about subjects that really should be taught and spoken of only within the walls of a loving home? Why would I 'let them go'? My answer is in the question: I let them go because I need to 'let them go'.

Oh the tears I imagine our loving Heavenly Father crying as he intentionally lets us go to this cold world full of people who "know better" than us, unsafe as it is, knowing some may not return. Why? Because he loves us. He wants us to experience, grow and learn. That, I have determined, is why I 'let them go'. They need to learn to recognize the good and bad. They need to learn to tolerate others (and maybe realize that others are tolerating them :) ). They need to see how little steps lead to progression. And with all of that, I guess they need to learn a little ABC and 123.

Some may think I'm clinging onto them. I will take that compliment and say that to cling to something would imply that that object has something of value and worth. I will proudly admit that my children are of worth and have much value and I will cling to them with all my heart.

What a great example we find in our Heavenly Father (who I can feel clinging onto me) that lets us leave him knowing that we will change; some for good, some for bad. I guess that is my fear. How will they change? I'm keeping my fingers crossed and my arms folded that they will change for good. . .


Schwendimans said...

I loved reading this Kayti. Good insight & good points!!

Des said...

Just wait until we have to send them off to the middle school. YIKES! I am not looking forward to that. I think I may seriously consider home schooling. . .then again, maybe not. :) Still, every time I think about Josh being there with all of those bad influences, it makes me sick to my stomach. How is he going to survive? How can I let him go there and have to listen to the language there? Not fun, but I guess it must be done. I hope that we have laid a good foundation for him because he's going to need it.